If you don’t clone or save the NetWorker bootstrap savesets to non Data Domain devices, then it is critical that you document the Data Domain device names. The screenshot below shows what we are referring too. Screen Shot 2015-07-09 at 7.29.54 am During a DR recovery you would perform the following steps:
  1. Install the NetWorker Server software onto a machine with the same operating system software previously utilized into the same drive/folder path.
  2. Create the device that you are going to recover the bootstrap from i.e. \\.\Tape or DDHostname:ddhostname_test01
  3. Perform a mmrecov
  4. Recover client indexes
After installing the NetWorker software, you would normally recreate the device utilized to recovery the bootstrap from. For tape or Disk this is fairly straightforward. For Data Domain you would create the Data Domain with its hostname, and then create the devices associated to it. During the device creation, NetWorker does not show the devices that were previously configured. If you have not documented the device names then recovering the bootstrap from these devices becomes challenging. You can script the creation of the Data Domain devices to expedite the recovery process. Utilising nsradmin to input the below sample file. “nsradmin –i ddinput” create type:NSR device;name:idatadomain01_RHUOW; device access information:”idatadomain01:/aklbs01/RHUOW”; media type:”Data Domain”; enabled:No After device creation, when you try to mount the device it will prompt a message stating the pool the device belongs too does not exist. Create the specified pool, and then add the DD device in question to the pool. You will now be able to mount the device volume. If you have the required bootstrap information, then you can perform the mmrecov procedure. If you do not have access to the bootstrap information, then this can be obtained by running the scanner command against the device name. “scanner –B idatadomain_RHUOW”